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Project 52: A Place in Time

I have joined some lovely ladies in recording the changes of one spot over the course of a year.  I know I failed miserably in documenting 52 weeks of self portraits.  I am hoping this will work out much better…

I chose a view from the corner of my garden.  It is a lovely little spot where the birds congregate and converse.  I imagine them having wonderful conversations…or rather they are moving in the hustle and bustle of bird life like city folk moving down a New York street and in and out of cafes.

I love this spot and what we have made it into over the last few years; a bird sanctuary.  There are quite a few species to see at any given time…chickadees, nuthatches, Oregon juncos, Stellar jays, Scrub jays, spotted towhees, finches, sparrows, hummingbirds, and more.  An occasional hawk will fly through.  I have even see the Northern Pygmy owl once!

I am excited to document the changes of this little area.  We planted high bush cranberries for the birds as well as currant and service berry…along with the elderberry tree.  So plenty of changing colors to come!

Thanks for stopping by and hope you enjoy the changes to come in this little view:

Happy Monday ya’ll 😀