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It’s been so long…

Wow! It has been almost a year (well not until November but still) since I have written on this blog.


We are in the process of building a new house and just trying to get through summer…haha, I said get through it! While I love the warmer weather,  I miss the routine that school brings.

I hope everyone is doing well…I am hoping to revamp this blog and get my photography back in gear as well!

Until next time, have a great weekend 😀

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Processed with VSCOcam with b5 preset

Treasuries Tuesday: Winter Previews

Collaborating with a 4-year Old

busy mockingbird


One day, while my daughter was happily distracted in her own marker drawings, I decided to risk pulling out a new sketchbook I had special ordered.  It had dark paper, and was perfect for adding highlights to.  I had only drawn a little in it, and was anxious to try it again, but knowing our daughter’s love of art supplies, it meant that if I wasn’t sly enough, I might have to share.  (Note:  I’m all about kid’s crafts, but when it comes to my own art projects, I don’t like to share.)  Since she was engrossed in her own project, I thought I might be able to pull it off.

Ahhh, I should’ve known better.  No longer had I drawn my first face (I love drawing from old black & white movie stills) had she swooped over to me with an intense look.  “OOOH!  Is that a NEW…

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Really well written article I just had to share…

Five And Spice

shower feast

Shuffle shuffle shuffle, shplop, clump, clump, clump…(that’s the sound of me hauling in and climbing up on my soap box, actually no, let’s go with it being me setting up my 2 cents booth, and special for you, today only, there’s no charge!…)

So a study came out and suddenly everyone’s all abuzz with the Mediterranean Diet all over again.  Perhaps you’ve heard?

Which I suppose must be nice for the Mediterranean Diet and all, given it was probably feeling a little dusty and lonely and ignored from several years of being quite out of the spotlight.  And maybe, if things go well, it’ll get some people to eat a little extra olive oil and seafood.

But, here’s what I worry.  I worry that this is just going to add back one more way we measure ourselves and judge ourselves when it comes to what we eat.  It provides one…

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I myself have so many journals/notebooks but have yet to fill them up! I LOVE notebooks and cannot resist buying them 😀

Why Not Eight

mile markersI’m going to describe a scenario and you tell me if it sounds at all familiar.  So, ask me how many journals/sketchbooks/notebooks I have?  Umm . . . I don’t have that many fingers and toes.  Ask me how many are full?  Two.  Ask me how many are half full? Reply hazy, try again.  Ask me if my husband knows just how much blank space I have to work with, and yet I still feel the compulsion to buy/bind more books?  I decline to answer on the grounds that it may incriminate me.

The problem is that there’s no way to feel a sense of accomplishment in journaling until you fill a book all the way up, and with most journals, that’s going to be a year, at least.  Personally, I can’t keep something up for a year without some feeling that I’ve achieved something or met a goal.


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We had eggs this morning and my daughter complained for about 5 mins because the hubby mixed it with a ton of other ingredients…she probably would have enjoyed this recipe more:

Five And Spice

soft scrambled eggs 1

My dear friends, would you be up for bearing with me for just a moment so I can talk about scrambled eggs?

Plain old scrambled eggs.  Not scrambled eggs with crisped asparagus or lacy pieces of prosciutto, not scrambled eggs with cheeses and meats and peppers and mushrooms.  Not scrambled eggs with anything, except perhaps a helpful piece of toast.  Just scrambled eggs.  Soft scrambled eggs.

Scrambled eggs are a staple breakfast of mine, and it has occurred to me – given the many times I have been given not very good scrambled eggs – that this absurdly simple preparation, requiring only a few ingredients and minutes, can be quite tricky to pull off.

scrambled eggs start

I think, like me, for many people the ideal of scrambled eggs is soft and creamy, a smooth pillowy mound of golden eggs with barely a curd to spear into.  Eminently scoopable eggs, almost like…

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The perfect bath

The perfect bath

wild thing

wild thing



